
pro·cras·ti·nate /prəˈkrastəˌnāt/ verb delay or postpone action; put off doing something. Growing up I was the kid who waited until the last minute to complete a task, homework assignment, project, etc. probably 60% of the time, it didn’t work out for the best. And although, to an extent, I do still somewhat procrastinate, I am…

Let’s Get Lost

I used to find myself in situations where it felt as though I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The feeling of being caught in something that I couldn’t get out of gave me anxiety and the feeling of claustrophobia. I was in a toxic relationship for 5+ years and felt as…

Love in Every Form

Below are some of favorite quotes about Love and my take on them. And although today is Valentine’s Day, everyday of the year should be treated like Valentine’s Day especially if there is someone or numerous people in your life that you Love. Don’t wait until February 14 to show your Love. “Through Love all…


cre•ate: verb. bring (something) into existence I used to think that the stories, poems, characters and worlds that I thought up in my imagination were only for me. I locked them away in various journals, composition notebooks, flash drives and the right side of my brain, wondering one day if my world would ever make…


I’ve always been the type of person that’s in thought constantly. And every once in a while, with various moments in my life I find myself in deep thought. Deep thought has consumed me lately. Please don’t confuse over thinking to deep thinking. There is a huge difference. I’m at a time in my life…


For the past week, I couldn’t find my house keys. I looked everywhere for them: the car, my jacket pocket, the basket for keys in the kitchen, outside in the yard. I even checked the numerous pockets in my purse, but I just couldn’t find them. After a day or two of looking, I just…