Courage Under Fire

It’s funny how you can become inspired by the smallest thing. Last week the children in my family (mine, nieces and nephews) put on a talent show for all of the grown ups. It was awesome. There was singing, dancing, and instrument playing. Those kids are talented. As it was time for my 9 year…

Mental Therapy

So yesterday, I went to see one of my good friends who just happens to do Jade therapy facials. If you’re not familiar with that particular type of facial therapy, it’s a process that detoxes your lymphatic system through your face. While I was in my therapy session, she noticed that my sinus cavities in…


I have come the to conclusion that I am not a big fan of group projects. The dynamic of various personalities and habits can cause slight anxiety. Sometimes it’s hard to relinquish control and depend on other people, especially those you’re not personally in tune with. How are you supposed to trust or work with someone that…

Kid at Heart

Indulging in your inner child is healthy. It’s a common thing for when we become parents, we immediately have to grow up because we have to take care of another life. Which is how it should be. But, what if, from time to time, we put our adult selves in a time out? What if…