Saving Our Dimension

“One thing I know for sure: don’t do it like me. Do it like you.” -Peter Parker How often do we come across people in our lifetime that we have similar situations to? Quite a few. We often sit with them and compare stories and life experiences and feel good about not feeling alone. But…


December 31 is on its way and people are preparing to make resolutions for 2019: health, relationships, self-care, faith, etc., because on January 1 that’s when the new life begins. I completely understand. A new year always feels like it’s a chance to start over, start fresh. A chance to say: I’m going to do…


You listened to the lies it told you When you knew better You saw the truth but cowered back to the deception Battles won, when you were close to victory Feelings of loneliness and sadness All lies Unnecessary burdens you carried Thoughts that violated your beautiful mind Attacks that took a toll Relationships that faltered…