
Time Energy Manpower Emotions Factors that are contributed to relationships, jobs, people and society itself. Factors that aren’t given can potentially cause a downfall. But what do you do when you’ve given all four of these aspects with nothing in return? Detach. Detach yourself from the un-reciprocal. Tell yourself: I just don’t feel like it….

Plot Twist

Sometimes we don’t start the new year off strong or the way we hoped. And sometimes we think that’s a precursor into how our whole year is going to be. But it’s not. It doesn’t have to be January 1st in order for you to start over. Everyday is a new chance and opportunity to…


“You have seen my descent. Now watch my rising” -Rumi When coal gets pressurized it turns into a diamond. And a diamond is one of the most beautiful and significant stones in the world. So shouldn’t we be looking at ourselves as gems when we survive a pressurized situation? So often we forget how strong…


What a week it has been!! Positive changes left and right!! How many of you have seen positive aspects of your life manifest right in front you? Did you think you would ever see those things you prayed and wished for come to fruition? Unfortunately we as humans have a tendency to either settle or…